Thursday, December 13, 2007

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Hi Everyone!!—My new Years resolution is to blog—good one right?

I know I have angered many of my friends---( Amanda, Sarah, Cass, Kim, Sandy , Margaret… and the list goes on) Sorry girls!

Here’s a nutshell of our year here in PEI and wherever else we’ve been

Love to all of you… We miss you

Green gables—many of you know this is the reason I came to the maritimes in the first place. I thought by working at Cape Breton bible camp, I could sneak off to Anne’s on the weekend… I hung out with Steve instead.

The bagpipes… what can I say?—who even thought of cut –outs to stand behind anyway?—my legs look better than that, and I never wear shoulder pads!

You’ve gotta love the beaches in PEI—I love everything—rocks, sand--- the horse was on the way home—very pretty but –I’m scared of them

In July, most of you know that steve and I led a team to hong kong for 5 weeks—what was I thinking?—just kidding—it was great—

God taught us so much… not sure who the statue is—but it amused me—what am thinking of—well, I’m hoping you can’t see my sweat marks
We flew home just in time for Eric and Leah’s wedding…. So beautiful..

Cass and Al are dear friends… so nice to have them around especially Sunday lunches.

In November susan hart got married – great time to catch up with everyone in Halifax!

November turned into December and we had our 1st ugly sweater party--- I must admit – I was a flashback from the 80’s

And most of you know that I finally graduated…YIPEE --It was so nice to finish., I already have 2 jobs—casual at a nursing home and casual in the ER—God is good.

Dor my faithful neighbour , sidekick and chauffer to my hubbie—lov ya dot

And last but not least--- Donna’s Christmas present… the nameless kitten—hope you like her mom.. any suggestions for a name? they kinda want it to go with the dog’s name—Cohen? I like Dinah or Ginger?